Form + Space

Form and Space: The Unity of Opposites

In this page, we will discuss not only the form of a structure, but also the space within it and how it effects users who experience it. 

The "opposites" are the positive and negative elements in a space.

Positive Elements: Figures

Negative Elements: Background

The visual relationship between the positive and negative elements, and how we interpret them, effects our understanding of a composition.

The positive elements of a composition would not exist without their negative component, or background, which proves that these "opposites" work together to create a visual.

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The positive and negative elements work together to create an illusion,  showing that they work together to create a dynamic composition.

Defining Space with Horizontal Elements

4 Different Planes:

-Base Plane

-Elevated Plane

-Depressed Plane

-Overhead Plane

Base Plane: A horizontal plane laying flat on a background that has a change of color, tone, or texture.
Depressed Plane: When a plane is pushed beneath the ground plane. This creates definition of a space that are literal and not implied.

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A pool is an example of a depressed plane, because the boundaries are subtracted from the ground plane.

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A dance floor is an example of a base plane, because it is a flat figure with major contrast from the background.

Defining Space with Vertical Linear Elements

5 Different Planes
-Single Vertical Plane
-L-Shaped Plane
-Parallel Plane
-U-Shaped Plane
-Closure/Enclosed Plane

U-Shaped Planes: Three vertical planes that define volume towards the open plane.

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This building is an example of a U-Shaped plane, because there are only 3 out of the 4 vertical planes built.

Openings in Space Defining Elements

Openings can be located:
-Within Planes
-At Corners
-Between Planes

Within Planes: When an opening is located completely within a plane and has a part of the plane surrounding all sides of the opening. 

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Above is two examples of how an opening can be within a plane, either wall or ceiling. Even though they are different shapes, they still are completely inside of a plane and surrounded by the plane on all sides.

Qualities of Architectural Space

3 Qualities:
-Degree of Enclosures

Light: Considered to illuminate the surfaces and forms within a space. Sunlight has the power to bring the interior space to life and articulate the forms.

The intensity of the sunlight and how it is spread in a space has the ability to clarify or distort the forms.

Dream away with our bathroom inspiration. Discover more at
The skylight allows the corners of the shower space to be brightened,.
In conclusion, space is constantly encompassing our being.


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